Bambusa tuldoides Munro cv. Wamin
Synonym                    : Bambusa ventricosa McClure
Family                        : Poaceae
Local Names              : Buddha's belly bamboo 
Flowering and fruiting period: Not specified
Distribution: Native of China and Thailand, introduced elsewhere
Habitat: Grown as ornamental plant
IUCN status: Data Deficient
Endemic: No
Uses: Hedge plant, Ayurvedic, ornamental, tender stem edible, bonsai material
Key Characters: Culms tufted, to 5 m tall; internodes often obliquely swollen, nearly as wide as long; successive internodes forming a slightly zig-zag pattern; long slender horizontal branches frequent from lower nodes of such culms. Culm-sheaths somewhat flushed with purple when young, quite hairless on the back. Leaf-blades to 15 x 2 cm, lower ones with broad truncate base, stalks short, lower surface very shortly soft-hairy (velvety to the touch), colour as upper surface.