Cinnamomum malabatrum (Burm. f.) Blume
Synonym                    : Laurus malabatrum Burm. f.
Family                        : Lauraceae
Local Names              : Patta, Vayana, Kuppamaram, Illavangam
Flowering and fruiting period: March – April

Distribution: Southern Western Ghats
Habitat: Evergreen and semi-evergreen forests, also in the plains
IUCN status: Data Deficient
Endemic: Yes
Uses: Spice. The plant (part not specified) has been traditionally used as an astringent, carminative, deobstruent, diaphoretic, galactogogue, haemostatic and stimulant.  It is used for treating wounds, fevers, intestinal worms, headaches and menstrual problems. The bark is used in the treatment of gastro-intestinal complaints such as dyspepsia, flatulence, diarrhoea and vomiting. Leaves are used in the treatment of colic and rheumatism. They are sweetish and heating, making them useful in vata, scabies, disease of the anus and rectum, tridosha, piles and heart troubles. The dried buds are used with various combinations in the treatment of cough and urinary disease.
Key Characters: Trees, to 20 m high, bark reddish-brown, smooth or slightly, longitudinally cracked. Leaves simple, opposite, elliptic-oblong, margin entire, highly aromatic when bruised. Flowers bisexual, in axillary and pseudo terminal paniculate cymes. Tepals 6. Stamens 9, perfect, in 3 rows; anthers oblong, 4-celled. Ovary half inferior; stigma small, peltate. Fruit a berry.