Euphorbia milii Des Moul. 
Synonyms                   : Euphorbia splendens Boj. ex Hook.
Family                        : Euphorbiaceae
Local Names              : Crown of thorns

Flowering and fruiting period: Throughout the year
Distribution: Native to Madagascar
Habitat: Grown as ornamental plant
IUCN status: Data Deficient
Endemic: No
Uses: Ornamental, Hedge plant, indoor plant.
Key Characters:  Armed, sprawling shrubs. Leaves alternate, obovate-oblong. Cyathia globose, reddish; involucre with 5 rounded glands along the margin, alternating with 5 reddish laciniate scales. Staminate: Many, each consisting of a pair of anthers terminal on a short filament. Pistillate: Ovary 3-lobed, 3-celled, with 1 ovule on axile placentae; styles 3, basally connate; stigma 2-fid.