Beaucarnea recurvata Lem.
Synonym                    : Dasylirion recurvatum Lem.
Family                        : Asparagaceae
Local Names              : Ponytail palm, Elephant’s foot
Flowering and fruiting period: Not specified 
Distribution: Native of Mexico, Australia, Asia and America
Habitat: Grown as ornamental plant
IUCN status: Data Deficient
Endemic: No
Uses: ornamental, indoor plant, drought tolerant 
Key Characters: Ponytail palm is an evergreen perennial growing up to 15 ft tall with a noticeable expanded stem base, for storing water. Despite its common name, it is not closely related to the true palms. The single palm-like stem produces at branch-ends clusters of strap-shaped, recurved leathery leaves. The plant blooms with panicles of small white flowers once the plant reaches over 10 years of age.