Allamanda cathartica L.
Synonyms : Allamanda
aubletii Pohl., Allamanda salicifolia Hort.
: Apocynaceae
Local Names : Golden trumpet, Common allamanda
Flowering and fruiting period: Throughout the year
Distribution: world wide
Habitat: grown as ornamental
IUCN status: Data deficient
Endemic: No
Ornamental, Hedge plant
Key Characters: Allamanda cathartica is a Straggling shrub with whorled leaves.
Flowers in terminal or axillary short-peduncled cymes. Calyx obovate-acute.
Corolla yellow, funnel-shaped; throat densely villous; lobes 5, orbicular.
Stamens 5, included in the basal constricted part of corolla tube; anthers
subsessile, sagittate, mucronate. Ovary bilocular; stigma ovoid with a basal
ring like appendage.